HISTORY OF THE TEMPLE: It would suffice to recount the story of Sage Nithuvar and his wife Vedhika as it relates to the circumstances in which Parvathi took the form of Sri Karbharakshambikai in order to give special protection to women during pregnancy. THE STORY IS THAT,SAGE NITHUVAR WAS LIVING WITH HIS WIFE VIDHIKA .One day when Sage Nithuvar was away, sage Urdhvapada happened to visit the place. Vedhika who was then alone and in an advanced state of pregnancy unwittingly failed to offer, due hospitality to the guest. Urdhvapada unaware of her difficulties got incensed at her conduct and landed a cruel curse upon her , as a result of which poor Vedhika was visited with foul disease, which began to eat into the very vitals of not only herself but also the child in the womb. The helpless Vedhika fervently prayed for relief to Goddess Parvathi who in the plentitude of her mercy appeared before Vedhika in the form of Sri Karbharaksha
mbikai totally erased the effect of the curse and saved Vedhika, the child in her womb.
The story goes that the Goddess offered
protection to the embryo by keeping it in a divine pot till it bloomed in to full-fledged child. Vedhika over-whelmed with joy, fell at the feet of Sri Karbharakshambikai and prayed that the Ambika should
take a permanent abode at the place and continue to offer protection to future generations of women also. Thus we find this prayer being fulfilled even to this day at this holy place. DIVINESS OF THE TEMPLE: The Lord of this place, is called ‘Mullaivananathar’ and His Linga here is ‘Swamyabu’ i.e. ‘Self Manifested.’ This Linga is made up of anthill mud. Hence there is no water Abishekam for this Lord. Instead, the Linga is merely pasted with a kind of musk called ‘Punuhu.’ People who are afflicted with incurable diseases come to this place offer ‘Punuhu Chattam’ to the Lord and get themselves relieved of the diseases.
AUSPICIOUS TIMES : All days are auspicious in this temple; prodhoshams are very special in this temple, as in other Siva temples.
POOJAS TO BE PERFORMED FOR Couples who remain childless for a long time should offer ghee, which will be placed at the Feet of the Goddess charged with manthras and given to them. If the couples eat a little of this Ghee at night daily for 48 days the woman will certainly conceive soon and they will be blessed with children. Pregnant women expecting deliveries should offer castor oil, which will be placed, at the Feet of Sri Garbha Ratshambikai , charged with manthras and offered to them. This castor oil has wonderful property. When the women get the labour pains, this oil should be smeared on their abdomen. This will eliminate all complications , dangers and after effects of deliveries and make the deliveries quite easy.
thasya: smarana maathrena visalyaa
karpineebavethu ( slokam for norma delivery say this 108 times daily)